L’estiu passat va ser llarg, llarg, llarg. Inacabable, diria jo. Des del moment en el que la meva Ariadna va deixar d’anar cada dia al col·le i va començar les vacances d’estiu, fins al moment (gloriós i benhaurat) en el que va tornar a les classes, van passar tres mesos en els que pràcticament vam deixar de saber què més fer, perquè al llarg de les setmanes de juliol, agost i mig setembre, vam fer absolutament de tot: activitats per estar asseguts una estona pintant, dibuixant, escrivint i comptant, manualitats, passejos amb bicicleta o amb patinet, tardes a la platja, inacabables sessions de gronxadors, berenars a l’aire lliure, visites a la biblioteca, tallers de diverses manufactures (paper plegat, pintura de figuretes d’escaiola, fotografia, dibuix, etc., etc., etc.). Vam fer tant de tot que al final ja no sabíem què més fer. I encara gràcies que amb la meva baixa per maternitat i amb el Marcel de poquets mesos, vaig poder estar tot l’estiu a casa, despreocupant-me de la feina i completament dedicada només a la canalla.
L’anunci de la proposta del conseller Maragall d’escursar aquestes inacabables vacances estiuenques alegra les meves oïdes però la idea que aquestes setmanes en les que s’avança el curs es reparteixin al llarg dels mesos lectius, especialment pel febrer, fa que el cor se m’acceleri perquè, posem per cas, si l’Ariadna i el Marcel tenen l’escola tancada, què en faig d’ells: me’ls penjo del clatell? Els encolomo als avis? Els faig assistir a alguna mena de ludoteca o similar, pagant a més un preu addicional al que ja costa el col.legi (que no és gens barat malgrat ser una escola concertada)? Me’ls menjo amb patates?
Estic molt d’acord en que el model escolar ha d’acostar-se a l’europeu, amb les seves múltiples variants, però també ho hauria de fer, de retruc, el model d’horari i de condicions dels treballadors que sortim cada dia de casa per guanyar-nos un sou. La conciliació laboral és el gran debat des de fa anys i panys i de moment, no hi ha hagut ningú que posi la cullerada encertada dins la sopa, que arregli tots els desajustos existents avui dia.
L’argument per a aquesta pausa dins les setmanes lectives és perquè resulta que de la primera a la segona avaluació, és a dir, de Nadal a Setmana Santa, les criatures es cansen i aleshores ja no rendeixen com haurien de fer-ho perquè estan saturats. Em sembla perfecta aquesta preocupació pels estudiants, però passa el mateix amb els treballadors, o és que no és dur saber que al llarg dels mesos de gener, febrer, març i mig abril no hi haurà ni un trist pont que allargui una mica més un cap de setmana?
Reivindico amb fermesa el dret que tots i totes tenim de fer una aturada (a veure què opinen els empresaris), igual que els nostres fills i filles, cas que la proposta de la conselleria d’Educació finalment acabi convertida en llei d’aplicació a partir de l’any entrant. Jo també vull una setmana blanca, una setmana cultural i una excursió de fi de curs. Ja ho sé, ja sé què em direu: que l’edat per fer tot això ja ha passat i que les obligacions són unes altres, que cal treballar a diari per fer pujar el país, especialment ara que hi ha crisi, que la vida dels escolars i les dels seus pares van per camins molt distints. Bé, bé, rebé. Em sembla perfecte però si tot plegat tira endavant, com probablement farà, la conselleria no m’ajuda en la meva vida diària sinó que em reporta un problema, i gros. Per tant, espero i desitjo que el conseller Maragall, a banda de pensades estrambòtiques que es treu de la màniga com si fossin rauxes, m’aporti també la solució escaient al cas i que els meus nens tinguin l’alternativa de fer altres activitats al seu mateix centre i exactament en el mateix horari.
Que els pares no hem de pagar amb redoblat esforç les iniciatives populistes i electoralistes del conseller, més encara perquè no tinc clar que això als estudiants i a la canalla en general, els afavoreixi en res. Per experiència sé que després d’una pausa no es torna a la normalitat amb les piles recarregades, sinó amb una desconnexió que alenteix tots els processos de tornar als bons costums, a la disciplina dels horaris i de les obligacions que posen ordre a l’anar fent de cada dia.
Si finalment tot plegat tira endavant, espero, sincerament, una solució apropiada, perquè altrament…
48 comentaris:
Realment és un problema difícil de combinar. D'una banda que comencin l'escola abans ja ens va bé, com dius, però unes vacances ara? Fa tremolar...
A veure com acaba tot i després ja despotricarem si cal.
et deixo les gràcies per les teves paraules de reconfort davant la meva condició, avui en dia és difícil trovar humanitat en les paraules, per no dir en els fets i tú demostres tenir-ne ambdues.
Jo tinc el cor partit, t'entenc, i molt bé, i a més els teus arguments les mares els compartim, i els avis i tothom. Ara, la racionalització dels dies lectius és necessària, però no es pot fer sense la conciliació laboral i familiar. Jo no tinc la solució, però els arguments d'escurçar i repartir són bons, t'ho diu una mestra, ja saps. El problema és que aquí mai hem tinguts horaris laborals semblants a Europa, molts treballadors a les sis són fora de la feina, i hi ha moltes jornades intensives, cosa que aquí, de moment, ningú contempla. Treballarem pensant en tothom qui es troba com tu? Això desitjo, Roser. Un petonàs als ninos i al Salvador!
Hola Sergi, bon dia.
El que em preocupa de tot plegat no és que els alumnes tinguin una aturada en la seva activitat, que potser els pot beneficiar i tot, sinó com això afectarà a la resta de la família, primer perquè no em veig amb cor de deixar els nens a cals avis, segon perquè em fa l'efecte que no els podem prendre a la feina ni el Salvi ni jo i després perquè, com que pagant Sant Pere canta, si el col·le tanca, potser caldrà pagar una ludoteca o unes activitats extres que segur que valdran una pasta.
Espero que si finalment aquesta proposta arriba a port, també hi arribin solucions i alternatives.
Hola Menta Fresca. Me n'alegro molt de la teva milloria. No m'has d'agrair res. Vaig veure el teu post i em va sortir de l'ànima escriure't quatre paraules.
Em fa contenta saber que les vas llegir amb goig.
Una abraçada.
Hola estimada Zel.
Ahir mateix parlava de tot aquest assumpte amb un catedràtic dedicat a la docència des de fa una colla d'anys i em comentava que aquesta aturada és bona i que el primer que caldria fer és fixar dates al calendari, especialment pel que fa a la Setmana Santa que com que puja i baixa, acostuma a provocar un segon trimestre molt llarg o un segon trimestre curtet i un tercer trimestre llarguíssim. Ell comentava ahir que caldria establir un ordre i dir: d'aquesta data a aquesta, és lectiu i d'aquesta a aquesta es faran vacances i fer-ho sempre de la mateixa manera. Així la gent ja estaríem organitzats, igual com ho fem per l'estiu.
He de reconèixer, Zel, que la pensada del conseller m'ha preocupat perquè la famosa conciliació família-feina de la que tant es parla, no arriba ni té idea de fer-ho en breu. Així és que, segons com, a casa, com a moltes cases, tenim un problema. Veurem, segons com, com es podrà solucionar.
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L’anunci de la proposta del conseller Maragall d’escursar aquestes inacabables vacances estiuenques alegra les meves oïdes però la idea que aquestes setmanes en les que s’avança el curs es reparteixin al llarg dels mesos lectius, especialment pel febrer, fa que el cor se m’acceleri perquè, posem per cas, si l’Ariadna i el Marcel tenen l’escola tancada, què en faig d’ells: me’ls penjo del clatell? Els encolomo als avis? Els faig assistir a alguna mena de ludoteca o similar, pagant a més un preu addicional al que ja costa el col.legi (que no és gens barat malgrat ser una escola concertada)? Me’ls menjo amb patates?
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Reivindico amb fermesa el dret que tots i totes tenim de fer una aturada (a veure què opinen els empresaris), igual que els nostres fills i filles, cas que la proposta de la conselleria d’Educació finalment acabi convertida en llei d’aplicació a partir de l’any entrant. Jo també vull una setmana blanca, una setmana cultural i una excursió de fi de curs. Ja ho sé, ja sé què em direu: que l’edat per fer tot això ja ha passat i que les obligacions són unes altres, que cal treballar a diari per fer pujar el país, especialment ara que hi ha crisi, que la vida dels escolars i les dels seus pares van per camins molt distints. Bé, bé, rebé. Em sembla perfecte però si tot plegat tira endavant, com probablement farà, la conselleria no m’ajuda en la meva vida diària sinó que em reporta un problema, i gros. Per tant, espero i desitjo que el conseller Maragall, a banda de pensades estrambòtiques que es treu de la màniga com si fossin rauxes, m’aporti també la solució escaient al cas i que els meus nens tinguin l’alternativa de fer altres activitats al seu mateix centre i exactament en el mateix horari.
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“Still looks ill, doesn’t he?” said Ron as they walked down the cor¬ridor, heading to dinner. “What d’you reckon’s the matter with him?”
There was a loud and impatient “tuh” from behind them. It was Hermione, who had been sitting at the feet of a suit of armor, repacking her bag, which was so full of books it wouldn’t close.
“And what are you tutting at us for?” said Ron irritably.
“Nothing,” said Hermione in a lofty voice, heaving her bag back over her shoulder.
“Yes, you were,” said Ron. “I said I wonder what’s wrong with Lupin, and you —”
“Well, isn’t it obvious?” said Hermione, with a look of madden¬ing superiority.
“If you don’t want to tell us, don’t,” snapped Ron.
“Fine,” said Hermione haughtily, and she marched off.
“She doesn’t know,” said Ron, staring resentfully after Hermione. “She’s just trying to get us to talk to her again.”
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And then, through the fog that was drowning him, he thought he saw a silvery light growing brighter and brighter. … He felt himself fall forward onto the grass. … Facedown, too weak to move, sick and shaking, Harry opened his eyes. The dementor must have released him. The blinding light was illuminating the grass around him. … The screaming had stopped, the cold was ebbing away. …
Something was driving the dementors back. … It was circling around him and Black and Hermione. … They were leaving. … The air was warm again. …
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Frank turned his right ear toward the door, the better to hear. There came the clink of a bottle being put down upon some hard surface, and then the dull scraping noise of a heavy chair being dragged across the floor. Frank caught a glimpse of a small man, his back to the door, pushing the chair into place. He was wearing a long black cloak, and there was a bald patch at the back of his head. Then he went out of sight again.
“Where is Nagini?” said the cold voice.
“I — I don’t know, My Lord,” said the first voice nervously. “She set out to explore the house, I think. …”
“You will milk her before we retire, Wormtail,” said the second voice. “I will need feeding in the night. The journey has tired me greatly.”
Mr. Weasley was a fully qualified wizard who worked in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office at the Ministry of Magic, but he didn’t have any particular expertise in the matter of curses, as far as Harry knew. In any case, Harry didn’t like the idea of the whole Weasley family knowing that he, Harry, was getting jumpy about a few moments’ pain. Mrs. Weasley would fuss worse than Hermione, and Fred and George, Ron’s sixteen-year-old twin brothers, might think Harry was losing his nerve. The Weasleys were Harry’s favorite family in the world; he was hoping that they might invite him to stay any time now (Ron had mentioned some¬thing about the Quidditch World Cup), and he somehow didn’t want his visit punctuated with anxious inquiries about his scar.
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Aunt Petunia hurled herself onto the ground beside Dudley, seized the end of his swollen tongue, and attempted to wrench it out of his mouth; unsurprisingly, Dudley yelled and sputtered worse than ever, trying to fight her off. Uncle Vernon was bellow¬ing and waving his arms around, and Mr. Weasley had to shout to make himself heard.
“Not to worry, I can sort him out!” he yelled, advancing on Dudley with his wand outstretched, but Aunt Petunia screamed worse than ever and threw herself on top of Dudley, shielding him from Mr. Weasley.
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He picked up the dusty kettle and peered inside it. “We’ll need water. …”
“There’s a tap marked on this map the Muggle gave us,” said Ron, who had followed Harry inside the tent and seemed com¬pletely unimpressed by its extraordinary inner proportions. “It’s on the other side of the field.”
“Well, why don’t you, Harry, and Hermione go and get us some water then” — Mr. Weasley handed over the kettle and a couple of saucepans — “and the rest of us will get some wood for a fire?”
“But we’ve got an oven,” said Ron. “Why can’t we just —”
“Ron, anti-Muggle security!” said Mr. Weasley, his face shining with anticipation. “When real Muggles camp, they cook on fires outdoors. I’ve seen them at it!”
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The wizard in plus-fours accompanied them toward the gate to the campsite. He looked exhausted: His chin was blue with stubble and there were deep purple shadows under his eyes. Once out of earshot of Mr. Roberts, he muttered to Mr. Weasley, “Been having a lot of trouble with him. Needs a Memory Charm ten times a day to keep him happy. And Ludo Bagman’s not helping. Trotting around talking about Bludgers and Quaffles at the top of his voice, not a worry about anti-Muggle security. Blimey, I’ll be glad when this is over. See you later, Arthur.”
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“I thought Mr. Bagman was Head of Magical Games and Sports,” said Ginny, looking surprised. “He should know better than to talk about Bludgers near Muggles, shouldn’t he?”
“He should,” said Mr. Weasley, smiling, and leading them through the gates into the campsite, “but Ludo’s always been a bit … well … lax about security. You couldn’t wish for a more enthusiastic head of the sports department though. He played Quidditch for England himself, you know. And he was the best Beater the Wimbourne Wasps ever had.”
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Behind him, a group of haggard-looking Ministry wizards rushed past, pointing at the distant evidence of some sort of a mag¬ical fire that was sending violet sparks twenty feet into the air.
Percy hurried forward with his hand outstretched. Apparently his disapproval of the way Ludo Bagman ran his department did not prevent him from wanting to make a good impression.
“Ah — yes,” said Mr. Weasley, grinning, “this is my son Percy. He’s just started at the Ministry — and this is Fred — no, George, sorry — that’s Fred — Bill, Charlie, Ron — my daughter, Ginny — and Ron’s friends, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter.”
Bagman did the smallest of double takes when he heard Harry’s name, and his eyes performed the familiar flick upward to the scar on Harry’s forehead.
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Panting, Harry fell forward over the hydrangea bush, straightened up, and stared around. There was no sign of what had caused the loud cracking noise, but there were several faces peering through various nearby windows. Harry stuffed his wand hastily back into his jeans and tried to look innocent.
“Lovely evening!” shouted Uncle Vernon, waving at Mrs. Number Seven, who was glaring from behind her net curtains. “Did you hear that car backfire just now? Gave Petunia and me quite a turn!”
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“What would they do that for?”
“I dunno,” said Harry. He felt it would sound very melodra¬matic to say, “To kill me.”
Ron’s eyebrows rose so high that they were in danger of disap¬pearing into his hair.
“It’s okay, you know, you can tell me the truth,” he said. “If you don’t want everyone else to know, fine, but I don’t know why you’re bothering to lie, you didn’t get into trouble for it, did you? That friend of the Fat Lady’s, that Violet, she’s already told us all Dum¬bledore’s letting you enter. A thousand Galleons prize money, eh? And you don’t have to do end-of-year tests either. …”
“I didn’t put my name in that goblet!” said Harry, starting to feel angry.
“Yeah, okay,” said Ron, in exactly the same sceptical tone as Cedric. “Only you said this morning you’d have done it last night, and no one would’ve seen you. … I’m not stupid, you know.”
“You’re doing a really good impression of it,” Harry snapped.
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For the Irish Seeker had suddenly gone into a dive, and Harry was quite sure that this was no Wronski Feint; this was the real thing. …
“He’s seen the Snitch!” Harry shouted. “He’s seen it! Look at him go!”
Half the crowd seemed to have realized what was happening; the Irish supporters rose in another great wave of green, screaming their Seeker on … but Krum was on his tail. How he could see where he was going, Harry had no idea; there were flecks of blood flying through the air behind him, but he was drawing level with Lynch now as the pair of them hurtled toward the ground again —
“They’re going to crash!” shrieked Hermione.
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But she broke off abruptly and looked over her shoulder. Harry and Ron looked quickly around too. It sounded as though some¬one was staggering toward their clearing. They waited, listening to the sounds of the uneven steps behind the dark trees. But the foot¬steps came to a sudden halt.
“Hello?” called Harry.
There was silence. Harry got to his feet and peered around the tree. It was too dark to see very far, but he could sense somebody standing just beyond the range of his vision.
“Who’s there?” he said.
And then, without warning, the silence was rent by a voice un¬like any they had heard in the wood; and it uttered, not a panicked shout, but what sounded like a spell.
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Comprehension dawned suddenly on Bagman’s round, shiny face; he looked up at the skull, down at Winky, and then at Mr. Crouch.
“No!” he said. “Winky? Conjure the Dark Mark? She wouldn’t know how! She’d need a wand, for a start!”
“And she had one,” said Mr. Diggory. “I found her holding one, Ludo. If it’s all right with you, Mr. Crouch, I think we should hear what she’s got to say for herself.”
Crouch gave no sign that he had heard Mr. Diggory, but Mr. Diggory seemed to take his silence for assent. He raised his own wand, pointed it at Winky, and said, “Rennervate!”
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Harry tried to recall what he had been dreaming about before he had awoken. It had seemed so real. … There had been two people he knew and one he didn’t. … He concentrated hard, frowning, trying to remember. …
The dim picture of a darkened room came to him. … There had been a snake on a hearth rug … a small man called Peter, nicknamed Wormtail … and a cold, high voice … the voice of Lord Voldemort. Harry felt as though an ice cube had slipped down into his stomach at the very thought. …
He closed his eyes tightly and tried to remember what Volde¬mort had looked like, but it was impossible. … All Harry knew was that at the moment when Voldemort’s chair had swung around, and he, Harry, had seen what was sitting in it, he had felt a spasm of horror, which had awoken him … or had that been the pain in his scar?
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“Hedwig, dear?” said Mrs. Weasley distractedly. “No … no, there hasn’t been any post at all.”
Ron and Hermione looked curiously at Harry. With a meaning¬ful look at both of them he said, “All right if I go and dump my stuff in your room, Ron?”
“Yeah … think I will too,” said Ron at once. “Hermione?”
“Yes,” she said quickly, and the three of them marched out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
“What’s up, Harry?” said Ron, the moment they had closed the door of the attic room behind them.
“There’s something I haven’t told you,” Harry said. “On Satur¬day morning, I woke up with my scar hurting again.”
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